Let's go to get the star together!
Handmade Cedar Wooden Canoe & Paddle
Metostar canoes
Metostar offer all kinds of Canoe, Kayak in Strip canoe, Old town Canoe, Mutil-canoe also fiberglass canoe. Accept any design and logo customized.
Caone Decorations and Accessory
Here Metostar also offer all kinds of Canoe Decorations and Accessory, like canoe book-shelf, canoe park decorations, canoe seat accessories, all kinds of paddle, also some of outdoor products.

Any good idea welcome to contact us!
Interest in communicate with the outdoor life ?
A canoe + a paddle, you can have it! Contact metostar to get it!
Let's go to get the star together!
Metostar Life
Just go with us!
Hot Sales Products
Strip Canoe
Old Town Canoe 16”
Wooden Paddle
Just go~
Come to share us your trips!
Any your interesting trip or plan to trip just share with us. Or any need help we also can give your best suggestion. Lets go together!